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Romulea nel Parco Nazionale del Pollino (foto Francesco Rotondaro)
environmental quality mark

The concessionary use of the environmental quality mark of the Pollino National Park.

The purposes of the environmental quality mark of the "Pollino National Park" are to promote and support the productions, activities and services that are carried out within a geographical area delimited and identified by the mark itself and that have as their objectives the improvement of the environmental, social and economic quality of the area's resources and production processes.

Specifically, the trademark must be able to:

a. allow consumers immediate identification of the products-activities-services that are specific to the area;
b. help agricultural, livestock and forestry entrepreneurs, SMEs and micro-enterprises in the food, tourism and accommodation, catering and handicraft sectors to use a brand to differentiate their products-activities-services in the market;
c. enable retail businesses operating within the Protected Area to have proper recognition;
d. direct the licensees of the Mark to adopt a local territorial system of quality as a whole that is immediately transferable to products-activities-services, based on the use of local labor, virtuous behavior, the reputation of operators and the quality of its environmental resources and production processes.

The framework law on protected areas (394/91) stipulates that parks can grant its label "to local services and products that have quality requirements and meet the park's aims," and thus in the case of the Pollino Park, to activities that have followed the "Guidelines" for "good behavior" included in the Plan for the Park and the Economic and Social Development Plan. The difference between the qualification criteria and the indications contained in the plans is that, as part of its specification for the granting of the label, the Park Authority provides for the study and establishment of operational prescriptions for the qualification of stakeholders belonging to the various supply chains with the participation and involvement of representatives of the various production (or service) sectors with which to share objectives and goals.

The introduction of a system of granting the Park's label allows the improvement of environmental quality over the entire area concerned with the cooperation and participation of every citizen who enjoys the protected area and carries out his or her productive activities within the Park's municipalities, succeeding in spreading the culture of environmental quality among all stakeholders and achieving real and lasting results in the logic of sustainable development.
Stakeholder participation takes place through information and training actions and through the involvement of production activities in processes of improving environmental quality and decreasing environmental impact. In this way, everyone can contribute to the achievement of the Park's environmental quality objectives and see their good will and ability to achieve positive results recognized by the Park Authority.
In return for adhering to the qualification criteria thus established, the Park Authority grants the use of its "Park Environmental Quality Mark" with the meaning of "Park Environmental Management System Adherence Mark."

Entities qualified by the Park will have the opportunity to make known to users their sensitivity and maturity to environmental problems, and how their production activity is conducted in such a way as to ensure respect for the environment.

Companies operating within the territory of the Park will have undoubted advantages that can be summarized as follows:

1. possibility to take advantage of a "park environmental quality mark" that the Park Authority undertakes to enhance and promote (institutional site, dedicated sites, sector events, events, publications etc.)
2. improvement of its organization and management savings
3. better relationship with customers and users sensitive to environmental issues
4. less conflict with the Park and other public administrations.

The Park can and must, for the achievement of its founding purposes, issue a quality label for all those productive activities (tourism, industrial, commercial, agribusiness, services, etc.) that undertake to comply with a specification that establishes operational prescriptions for the maintenance of the environmental quality of the area, i.e., for a scope strictly dependent on the competencies and role of the managing body of the protected area.

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