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Pollino national park

Man is an integral part of nature and his wellbeing is closely connected to the conservation of the biodiversity of the territory he belongs to, a biodiversity linked not only to the specific physical and biological components, but also to the cultural, social and economic elements related to it.

Protected Areas and Parks, which aim to the protection, conservation and valorisation of this heritage of biodiversity, therefore play a fundamental role in the promotion of environmental education courses aimed, in particular, at the new generations through training actions that aim at the affirmation of the culture of legality, responsibility, development and sustainable tourism, stimulating all social actors - at all levels - to make conscious choices and adopt behaviour that respects the environment considered in its broadest sense.

For these reasons, the Pollino National Park Authority is firmly committed to the design and implementation of environmental education actions and training courses, which are based on the numerous scientific researches and take concrete form in the workshops. It is no coincidence that the Pollino Park has become the site of a permanent scientific project (permanent natural laboratory) capable of providing and consolidating knowledge on which the sustainable management of the territory can be based.

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